Monday, February 06, 2006

Malaprops and dentist chairs

We're skidding on one long, icy rough patch here, with L undergoing two tooth extractions in three weeks (with a filling thrown in between for good measure where she clutched at my shirt so hard, I briefly flashed the dentist and his staff), and various assorted injuries that has left one, or both of my daughters in tears nearly almost every night.

L's asleep on the couch right now, after meeting her 2nd dentist in three weeks who spoke sweetly to her, then jacked her up full of novacaine and pulled a baby molar out., leaving her bloody and numb.

And we won't even touch the tantrum situation, which is threatening to spiral out of control at any moment.

So, I thought in the interest of recording and remembering the joyful, bearable part of parenting, and before they realize how cute and ridiculous they are, I'd better write down their most recent malapropisms.

J started this one, when we introduced the notion of privacy in the bathroom. She interpreted this in her own 5-year-old way, aand now when she closes the door in the bathroom and someone tries to come in, she says "No, I need my private seat!"

J also invented this next one, after viewing numerous cartoons about mediums and superhero duos. When you ask her if she knows something that she obviously could not know , she says - "What am I, a sidekick?"

There's so much I'm going to forget about their childhood. I look at a 3-year-old now and can't even remember what J&L were like at that age. What kinds of foods did they like? What kinds of conversations did we have? I just don't remember and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse as they grow so I'd better get it all down now, in black and white. So one day I can look back and smaybe even show them how unbearable (and unbearably adorable) they were back when they were 5.


Blogger landismom said...

Great idea. We had tofu for dinner the other night, and my daughter heard it as 'toe food.' We made many jokes about the need for her brother to have a bath before we could eat his toe food.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I know what you mean! I was watching a home video shot about a year and a half ago. I honestly did not remember my son, then about 2 and a half, talking the way he did. I suppose that the way my kids are now is so prominent in my mind that it overrides how they once were. Hence the value of videotaping and blogging!

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for fun, here are two Malapropisms for Valentine's Day:

cheese pot
(Hint: you can't find your cheese pot with a cookie.)

6:42 PM  
Blogger ali cross said...

Tracey, I had no idea you were having such traumas with your dear girls and their teeth! How terrible! Poor L. Hugs to her!

I'm with you on the not-remembering. I thought I was the only one!

Love your writing Tracey ... hope you bring us lots and lots of stuff. I'll be reading!

ali :)

11:38 AM  

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