Monday, December 19, 2005

Black is wack

I went to a business holiday lunch last week and got a bracing reminder of what kind of person I don’t want to be, working mother or otherwise.

I struck up a conversation with a friendly woman who, within minutes of meeting me, realized she had apparently left her Blackberry at the office across town. Although the luncheon was only scheduled to last for 2 hours, she called to have her assistant messenger the device to her at the restaurant, so she wouldn’t be without her email fix for the duration.

No wonder they call them “crackberrys.”


Blogger Suzanne said...

Oh Lordy. I hope the pending case against Blackberry works out favorably for the company, at least so all the addicts won't go into withdrawal!

My husband just got one for work, and I've already had to chide him about checking his messages 8000 times an hour.

1:02 PM  
Blogger landismom said...

I can't even tell you how many meetings I go to now where half the room is looking into their lap for the whole meeting. I love how people think that others don't notice they are checking their email, because they keep it out of sight!

3:49 PM  

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